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Read Before Purchasing
LIWC is a scientific research tool made for use in academic, university-based settings. The academic licenses for LIWC may only be purchased by scholars/students for use in academic research being conducted in university settings — all other users must purchase a commercial license through Receptiviti. Please read this page to determine which version of LIWC is best suited for your needs, and be sure to read the End User License Agreement prior to your purchase.
For answers to common questions about LIWC-22 sales and licenses, please see the FAQ. If you have any questions or are unsure about which license you should purchase, please contact us and check before making a purchase.
Academic & University Licenses
Academic licenses may be purchased by students, staff, and faculty who are studying or working in university settings. LIWC-22 cannot be used for research being conducted for, on behalf of, or in conjunction with any commercial entity. LIWC-22 may only be used for purely academic research and educational purposes — all other use cases require a commercial license.
Non-academic & Commercial Licenses
Non-academic/Commercial licenses are required for all users working outside of a university setting, including those working for a for-profit company, non-profit organization, government agency, government contractor, or any other type of research institution.